Dear John,
Like you, we are overwhelmed. We’re angry, sad, and frustrated. As if the disproportionate effect of the pandemic on Black, Indigenous, and other people of color communities wasn't enough, the brutal attacks on Black life have continued without pause. Black trans people especially are most deeply harmed by the violence, grief and exhaustion.
In times like these, many of us are called to act. We know that the world we believe in—the world you’re helping us build—requires us to act with commitment. We also know that we need rest. We need peace. We need care. And that’s why we’ve created a virtual care package for you. It contains the nourishing elements of music, meditation, and artwork showcasing the beauty and talent of our community.

We are the movement. We need to feed ourselves to feed our liberation. We hope this care package brings you the moment of stillness you might need.
For Black trans folks reading this, we offer the care package as a reminder that you matter so much to us. That your value is unconditional. We will continue to show up to defend your life and your ability to thrive. Always.
Share this care package with three friends to show them some love, too—you can repost from our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. May it help fuel our fight onward.
With fierce love,
Xoai and the TLC team