If you love freedom and liberty, we need your help to keep it. Read more >> John, There is so much riding on elections this November. 2020 has been an unprecedented year, to say the least, and it’s more important than ever that we continue to get principled conservatives into office. Arkansas in particular has been at the helm in recent years of advocating for individual freedom and liberty, secured by a limited government. We believe in people, and that policies enacted should encourage individual initiative, and induce people to be responsible for their own economic, political, and social well-being. Do you agree? We have to make sure we send a message to the coastal elitists that we won’t stand for their far-left schemes that leave the rest of America in the lurch. As outside liberal groups are pouring money into key elections, we know we need to build up our own war chest to keep Arkansas RED, and support President Trump in his reelection. If you’re able, can you chip in $5 or $10 to help us reach Republican voters and get them to the polls? Every dollar donated helps us reach more freedom-loving citizens like yourself, and make sure that we keep the government in check. Now is not the time to shy away. We’ve seen what Democratic leadership in the House has brought us. It’s imperative that we remove Nancy Pelosi from the Speaker’s office. Now is the time to act. Thanks for your help, Doyle Webb, Chairman, Republican Party of Arkansas Chip in now >> Republican Party of Arkansas | 1201 W. 6th St, Little Rock, AR 72201 Unsubscribe
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