June 5th, 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters
During the last two weeks of the Brexit trade negotiations we have seen a total deadlock set in with very little positive news coming from either side. While there has been progress, it is on smaller issues where there was already some agreement. On the big issues however, there has been no progress. For example, the European Union still insists on the European Court of Justice having power over the United Kingdom after the end of the Transition Period on December 31st this year. In a press conference today, Michel Barnier, the EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, once again seemed to throw a tantrum over the UK holding firm in its position on both fisheries and the ‘Level Playing Field’ saying: “The UK has not shown any true will to explore other approaches to zonal attachment with an annual negotiation …. something the EU cannot accept”.
Barnier has also continued his demands for the Political Declaration be treated as a legally-binding document. This is fundamentally opposite to the reality. The Political Declaration is a framework for the future relationship - nothing which binds the UK to its commitments. The situation changed drastically from when large parts of the Political Declaration were written under the weak ‘Remainer’ leadership of Theresa May. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was forced to go along with some parts of May’s rubbish deal to get the Withdrawal Agreement through Parliament in order Leave the EU by January 31st 2020. Now however, with his new majority, Boris is no longer bound to follow all the terms of the non-legally binding Political Declaration.
Barnier needs to realise the reality of the situation and halt his obsession with this out-of-date and legally meaningless document – he needs to go back to his paymasters to resolve this issue – as after all, the EU is in a trade deficit with the UK, and will suffer far more than the UK if a trade deal is not properly negotiated. We will be free of the constraints of EU rules and regulations, and can look forward to Global Britain – then we can continue to trade with the EU as a whole under World Trade Organisation (WTO) terms – as we do with most of the rest of the world.
On top of all of this we have seen individual Member States becoming more provocative on the matter of Fishing - fearing they will lose their rights to pillage UK waters. This has led to threats from both Irish and French fishing vessels to blockade UK waters – as France has done previously. This would be an outrageous breach of any supposed ‘friendship or close bond’ we have with both countries. If such blockades do occur, then we would expect the Royal Navy to act swiftly - and with force if necessary - to protect the UK’s territorial waters. We must not be bullied into giving up control of our waters – and our fish as has happened for so long!
Before we go any further – and this is very important:
Get Britain Out is very very appreciative for the donations we receive, especially after our last two e-Bulletins, as we are pushing to continue the campaign until the end of the Transition Period on December 31st, 2020. Remain campaigns and their billionaire backers are increasing their push to extend the Transition Period. This is not Brexit, and will start off costing us as least £12 billion every year.
Just this week the massive Remain campaign Best for Britain, has stepped up their efforts with huge media campaigns to try and extend the Transition Period. The fight is not over to actually deliver – or reverse - Brexit. Most of the other Brexit campaigns have already shut up shop. So, along with my small team at Get Britain Out, we are working harder than ever to make sure a true Brexit is still on the agenda and the voices of Brexiteers continue to be heard. Get Britain Out has always been a ‘free to use’ campaign, but at this time, we really need some regular financial assistance to help to deliver a true Brexit in these final months until the end of the year.
These are tough times, I know, but can I ask you to dig deep into your pockets again please – perhaps with a regular donation for these final months – so we can continue to run Get Britain Out until the end of this year (and yes, I do appreciate not all of you cannot afford to do so). This is really important for our Global Future. Thank you.
Brexit negotiations are now approaching a crucial point with a high-level conference possibly in mid-June and meeting between Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, when any decision on an extension needs to be made.
Get Britain Out has created this useful timeline to show all of you, what the key dates are over the coming weeks and months.
You can download this timeline from here - https://getbritainout.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/200605-The-2020-Brexit-Timeline.png

In what seems like a miraculous epiphany, the new Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, has recommended banks in the UK begin preparations for a No Deal Brexit. This came just a day before the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) today confirmed they do not support an extension to the Transition Period, saying the uncertainty an extension would create would do more harm to business! Get Britain Out agrees….
While a No Deal is not guaranteed unless the talks fail, it is great to see historically ‘Remain’ backing institutions like the Bank of England and the CBI, actually recognising Brexit will actually happen. The one question we ask is, why on earth were banks not preparing for Brexit and the potential for a No Deal in the 4 years since we voted to Leave? Evidently Theresa May was once again telling the public one thing and saying the opposite in private!
In Westminster we have seen yet more plotting from Remainers both inside and outside Parliament. Firstly, leaders of opposition parties - Sir Ed Davey of the Lib Dems; Ian Blackford of the SNP; Caroline Lucas of the Greens and Liz Saville Roberts of Plaid Cymru - recently wrote to Michel Barnier to try and undermine the UK Government’s position and to push for an extension to the Transition Period - something Barnier confirmed was very possible - offering a 1or 2-year extension to the Transition Period. Barnier reiterated this again today in his press conference at the end of this week’s talks.
Of course, all the Opposition Leaders used COVID-19 as their excuse to call for an extension, when we all know their goal is to try and cancel Brexit entirely. Thank goodness we are no longer being ruled by a Remain-controlled Parliament with the useless Theresa May at its head. If you want to read both of the letters discussed here, they can be seen at the end of this e-Bulletin.
Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, Remain politicians from Sinn Fein and the Social Democrat Labour Party (SDLP) managed to pass a motion through the Stormont Parliament in Northern Ireland, also calling on the UK Government to extend the Transition Period. However, the motion was opposed by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). As a result, because of the power-sharing rules of Northern Ireland, the motion has no legitimacy because Arlene Foster of the DUP refused to support it.
Meanwhile, the First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon, has again been undermined in her campaign to take Scotland out of the United Kingdom and re-join the European Union after Brexit. Such an act has been confirmed as impossible, without Scotland once again handing over control of the waters around Scotland to Brussels. This is something which would further damage the Scottish fishing industry! This fishing issue builds on top of the fact Scotland does not reach the requirements for joining the EU in the first place, because its debt to GDP ratio is far too high – 7 times that of England and higher than troubled countries, such as Italy and Spain.
Back on the Continent and the EU are now in the final stages of confirming a massive new 7-year budget which would total over £2.2 trillion. This comes in parallel with the European Central Bank yesterday announcing an extra €600 billion in bonds for EU Member States. Bringing the total for ECB bailouts to €1.2 trillion.
The EU is already asking the UK to fund an extra £300 million towards their EU COVID-19 Relief Fund! Thankfully this is something the Treasury is refusing to pay as it is not demanded of us within the Withdrawal Agreement. These are vast sums and we must remember the EU already has a substantial funding hole because of Brexit. However, if we extend the Transition Period, do not expect an easy ride from Brussels - we could be made to pay between 24 and £120 billion if we agree to a 2-year extension. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN!
On the matter of wasting money by sending it over to EU Member States - in the past 2 weeks migrant vessels have continued to come across the Channel - seemingly escorted by the French Navy - despite the UK sending millions (over £6 million) to France to fund preventative measures. To add insult to injury, the EU and France are now giving us an ultimatum - give in to EU demands in the Brexit negotiations, or they will refuse to take back any illegal immigrants who manage to get across the Channel. So much for mutual respect! This attempt at blackmail shows the mindset of the EU. This isn’t about any sort of mutual respect or benefit; it is only about trying to punish the UK for having the audacity to Leave their federalist project.
While not directly related to Brexit, there has also been some good news coming from the Government on the removal of Huawei from the UK’s plans for 5G and our national technology at large. This kind of strong action sets the exact tone for how the UK must behave on the world stage after Brexit. However, the Government has now begun seeking assistance from South Korean and Japanese firms to replace Huawei in our plans for 5G. We at Get Britain Out ask: “Wouldn’t it be better if the UK developed our own technology, to make sure we are not so reliant on any other country? After all, we can never know which countries could become hostile in the future. This is not being ‘Little Englanders’ it is a question of becoming more self-reliant and using the huge brains and world-leading science sector we already underuse in this country, while also embracing advancements in the rest of the world”.
That’s all for this e-Bulletin. I hope you all have a very good weekend even though the weather seems to have changed dramatically – and keep yourselves safe.
Thank you for your ongoing support which is hugely appreciated.
Best wishes from Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team at Get Britain Out.
I hope you don’t forget, we really need your help with donations for the next 7 months as I have explained above, to make sure we secure the best Brexit for the United Kingdom.
We of course, appreciate all the help many of you have already given to the campaign. However, we are in the final few months of pushing for a good Brexit to be delivered and now, more than ever – with other campaigns closing up shop – and donations becoming scarce now – every penny counts if we are to continue our work.
Without your support we cannot run our campaign to keep up the pressure on the Government to listen to the will of the Great British Public. The Remain campaigns are ongoing with their billionaire donors and massive commercial backers. If we don’t have an ongoing voice to fight for Brexit, the Remainers could once again dominate or even try to reverse the EU Referendum result, giving no voice for the millions who voted to Leave.
We understand these are hard times, but for the next 7 months, if you could spare any extra money on a regular basis to keep this campaign going and to make sure there is still a strong voice for Brexit, then please donate whatever you can.
Donations can be made via bank transfer, bank standing order, cheque or PayPal – all the details are HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: Cheques should be payable to The EU Referendum Campaign Limited and not Get Britain Out.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations (unless via PayPal) – or foreign currency cheques. With such a small team, we cannot personally thank all of those who donate to the campaign, but your contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like an acknowledgement, please let me have your e-mail address (or write it on the back of your cheque.
P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people. There are many who still want more information.
Anyone not already signed up for our free fortnightly e-Bulletins can do so HERE.
Remember, you can also get daily information and comments, plus press links, via our social media Facebook and Twitter. There are also links to Brexit press articles on our website (once my staff are in the office Monday to Friday) via this link HERE. For updates on our Recommended Reading, you can find them via this link HERE.
Huge thanks again to everyone for your help and support. GET BRITAIN OUT will continue to fight to try and make sure we get the best result from our Leaving the EU, as well as a Free Trade Deal with our close neighbours in the EU if possible. We can still Leave with No Deal on WTO terms – as well as being free to trade with countries around the world as we currently do with most other countries in the world – for our UNITED KINGDOM’S GLOBAL FUTURE.
Best wishes, as always, Jayne