Parliamentary Diary

Dear Friend, 

I hope you and your families are well during these trying times. 

Over the last week I've been shocked and appalled by the recent events that have unfolded in the US and the brutal murder of George Floyd. I've been overwhelmed by emails about the protests and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. I share your anger. 

Trump's response to peaceful protest and demands for justice have been an affront to humanity. What is so tragic about the death of George Floyd is that the injustices we are seeing are nothing new and certainly are not confined to the United States alone. This has shone a spotlight on systemic and institutional racism, inequality and injustice across the world.  

But what we are rightly seeing in America and here in the UK are people standing in solidarity and saying enough is enough. I too, stand in solidarity with black communities and will always challenge racism, inequality and discrimination. We all have a responsibility to call out racism in all its forms and wherever we see it. The Black Lives Matter movement, built on tragedy, must be a catalyst for change to address the systemic racial discrimination that plagues our society. We cannot and must not accept anything less. 

Labour stands with black communities across the world because black lives matter and when this virus passes, we will join you, shoulder to shoulder in solidarity.

As ever, if you would like to get in touch with me please contact [email protected].

With very best wishes, 

MPs' pleas to stop teargas & rubber bullets exports to US
Alongside 166 MPs across the political spectrum, I have written to the UK Government urging the suspension of exporting British riot gear, teargas and rubber bullets to the US in response to protests across America following George Floyd's tragic death.

Nearly half a million people have signed a petition backing the call to end sales. 

View Independent Article
World Environment Day 
View Politics Home Article

Today is World Environment Day - a day to renew urgent calls for global environmental action and to send a unified message that in order to take care of ourselves we must take care of nature.

This World Environment Day, as Shadow Minister for International Development responsible for international climate justice - I'm setting out UK Labour's ambitions to put climate action at the heart of international development.

I’m calling on the international development community to join me in establishing a Labour Climate Justice Network. The climate impact is disproportionate. It’s often the poorest who carry the heaviest burden of climate injustice, despite contributing least to the climate crisis. A Climate Justice Network will make space for the unheard voices across the world bearing the brunt of the the climate crisis. 

How we rebuild from this health crisis will define how well we tackle the climate emergency. This is an historic opportunity to build back batter and create a fairer, more just and sustainable society for all.

The health of people and planet are intertwined. Climate justice must be at the heart of what comes next. 

UK Government cap on English Students coming to Wales

I am deeply concerned by UK Government’s unilateral decision to control the number of English students coming to University in Wales. 

Such decisions risk the devolution settlement & must not be imposed. It’s important these measures are considered in conjunction with Wales. 

This knee-jerk reaction to falling numbers in overseas students will have a devastating impact on Cardiff University who have a high percentage of English applicants.

I hope UK Government will reconsider its approach & will work constructively with the Welsh Education Minister, Kirsty Williams in the best interests of the UK. 

View the Minister’s statement here 👇

One Rule for Cummings...
View my comments in the Mirror

I’ve received floods of emails from constituents who are furious at Dominic Cummings’ flagrant abuse of the critical public health measures in place and how Boris Johnson has failed them. I am equally as furious and I know the sacrifices you are making and the personal tragedies you’ve endured.

The people feel cheated. The nation wanted to see leadership from the Prime Minister – to right the wrongs of his most trusted adviser. Instead, the Prime Minister upheld that there is in fact one rule for his closest advisers and another for everybody else. 

For many weeks we have all had to make intolerable sacrifices whilst adhering to strict lockdown measures. We’ve been unable to see our loved ones in their final moments, single parents have struggled and grandparents have been unable to see their grandchildren. It’s been very difficult, but we knew that it was for the common good – to save lives and protect our NHS.

Dominic Cummings’ actions and the Prime Minister’s unwavering support for him show nothing but contempt for the people who have made those sacrifices, who have been ill, isolated and have struggled on through lockdown for weeks. Who have not interpreted the regulations however they saw fit and have respected both the letter and the spirit of the law, often to their detriment.

However angry you may be, please remember that your sacrifices aren’t all in vain and your actions are saving people’s lives. It’s through our sacrifices that thousands more haven’t lost loved ones. We are all missing our families and friends, but our sacrifice – everyone included – is the only way out of this pandemic and we must keep going.

Lockdown Regulations FAQs

From this week (1st June) changes to lockdown regulations in Wales were implemented and the contact tracing strategy in Wales launched. The Welsh Government has published a series of frequently asked questions on the new regulations which you can find here.

Have you been asked to shield? Watch this important video from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton here:
UK Government's silence on critical Syrian aid is deafening
View my comments in Politics Home

The UK Government's silence on critical Syrian aid is deafening when faced with own mantra of ‘no one left behind’. 

I have made repeated calls to the UK Government to do more to break a bitter UN deadlock over a coronavirus lifeline for war-torn Syria. The UK should be showing leadership but has instead failed to act. The lack of leadership from UK to secure vital aid risks thousands of Syrian lives & jeopardises global public health containment efforts.

Humanitarian Aid Lifelines at risk of being severed in Yemen

This week saw the virtual Yemen International Aid Pledging Conference take place. Millions in Yemen may soon to be without critical assistance as imminent funding cuts threaten vital aid programmes, adding immeasurable pressure to the world’s greatest humanitarian emergency.

With the country now facing a fall in remittances, restrictions on movement and with humanitarian workers unable to access and operate in many areas of the country, the situation will only worsen and leave people horribly exposed to the pandemic.

Ahead of the conference and given the shortfall in aid funding, I called for the UK to take a lead in the international efforts to prevent the humanitarian and health crisis in Yemen from spiralling into an irreparable disaster. All pledges made were welcome, but they still fell woefully short of what is needed to bridge the gap in Yemen that this pandemic has only widened. Vital aid programmes remain on the chopping block. It's critical the pledges are paid urgently. 


Mental Health Awareness Week

Thank you to everyone who tuned in and joined Dr Rosena Allin-Khan and I for a Facebook Live during Mental Health Awareness Week recently. 

A reminder that if you missed it live you can watch it back on Facebook.
We talked about: 

Stigma around mental health and the importance of self-care. How lockdown measures in England have caused confusion which has exacerbated mental health issues and Rosena's top tips to promote better mental health and self-care.

Please remember it's OK to not be OK and you're not alone. If you need to reach out, there's lots of organisations here to help: 

🔘Samaritans Cymru - 116 123
🔘Mind Cymru - 0300 123 3393
🔘Anxiety UK - 03444 775 774 
🔘Childline - 0800 1111
🔘Welsh Women's Aid - 0808 80 10 800
🔘Mental Health Foundation

The Welsh Government recently launched a Young People's Mental Health Toolkit which can be found here.

You can also find a range of advice services here…/for-children-and…/useful-contacts/ 

World Hunger Day

This World Hunger Day is overlaid with the worst public health crisis in over a century. War, conflict and climate injustice are ravaging regions and the pandemic risks unravelling the fight against global hunger. 

The health of people & planet are intertwined and we must ensure that no-one is left behind.

British Airways Redundancies

My Welsh Labour colleagues and I have written to British Airways expressing deep concern at potential job losses in South Wales. We’re calling for BA to rescind ‘at risk of’ redundancy notices & to urgently engage with unions. These are difficult times for everyone and the way BA staff are being treated is appalling.

Celebrating Volunteers' Week

It's Volunteers' Week! 

This week we're celebrating the fantastic contribution millions of people make across the UK. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has volunteered their time in Cardiff North, particularly in these challenging times. We couldn't do this without you. 

Here's some ways to get involved too!

Together for Cardiff:

Volunteering Wales:

Age Connects Cardiff:

If you're self-isolating, shielding, vulnerable and in need of assistance, please get in touch or visit the Cardiff North Coronavirus Response Facebook Group I've set up.

Votes at 16 in Wales! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

A proud moment for us in Wales recently as 16 and 17 year olds can now register to vote in the Senedd elections which will take place in May 2021. 

You can register to vote
Community Business Support

As your elected representatives, we want to support our local businesses in Cardiff North throughout this difficult time. This is a joint initiative with Julie Morgan MS, Cllr Jen Burke-Davies, Cllr Dilwar Ali and Cllr Graham Hinchey.

As many businesses use the next few weeks to prepare to re-open under strict social distancing measures, we want to help you let Cardiff North know you're open for business. 
Live Fear Free

Refuge recently reported a 957% increase in website traffic for domestic abuse advice and support over the last two weeks. 

Our homes are not always safe spaces during lockdown, but please remember there are lots of ways to receive confidential advice and support if needed such as Welsh Women's Aid and the Live Fear Free Helpline.

Virtual Advice Surgery
As always, please get in touch with your feedback!

MP for Cardiff North
AS dros Ogledd Caerdydd

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