Hello Friend -
California’s Long Term Caregivers have endorsed my campaign for
re-election! Thank you SEIU 2015 for your strong support, it
means so much to our campaign.

SEIU 2015 represents 20,000 home care and 800 nursing home workers
across the City and County of San Francisco. These caregivers are on
the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic working to protect and care
for our most vulnerable populations. I am so grateful for the work
that the members of SEIU 2015 do and for their support.
As you may know, I fought hard to ensure that long term caregivers
and nursing home workers have the fair wages and PPE they need to care
for our most vulnerable. I worked with Mayor London Breed to pass the
minimum compensation ordinance or (MCO) in 2018 that made a hourly
wage increase of $3.75 above the current wage being received by 20,000
home care workers over the next five years.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have worked with Mayor London Breed
and my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors to ensure that the San
Francisco Home of Jewish Living and all nursing facilities across the
city have regular access to PPE and COVID-19 testing.
I have the utmost respect for the critical work that the long term
caregivers are doing to keep our most vulnerable populations safe and
healthy during these tough times, and I am honored to have their
support for my re-election campaign.
Paid for by Ahsha Safaí for Supervisor
2020 • FPPC #1378961 Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.