I need to know you're with me. Add your voice and demand Republicans protect health care for millions of Americans →

John: Republicans have to pick whether they’ll side with the American people or Trump.

House and Senate Democrats have united behind a measure to roll back the Trump Administration's latest attack on our health care and protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.


Now, it’s up to Senate Republicans to decide whether they will stand up for the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions or if they will once again be complicit in Trump’s endless attempts to destroy their health care.

Sign on and demand that Republicans protect health care for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.

The dangerous Trump rule allows states to offer garbage insurance plans, which don’t provide adequate protections for pre-existing conditions. If Republicans are successful, American families will see costs rise for basic benefits like prescription drug and maternity coverage.

We can’t go back to the days when Americans with pre-existing conditions lived in fear of being denied life-saving coverage.

I need to know you’re with me. Add your voice →

Don’t let up,


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