[1]J Street
Far from lowering the temperature on campus tensions and supporting
students from all backgrounds, the Trump Administration is making a
challenging situation worse – which is what J Street U is hearing from our
students across the country.
At J Street, we’re appalled by the Trump Administration’s persistent,
cynical exploitation of the real fears and legitimate concerns of Jewish
Americans about antisemitism as cover for its all-out assault on key
pillars of American democracy and success: Immigration, higher education
and the rule of law.
The administration seems hell-bent on destroying all that has made this
country a secure and welcoming home for Jewish Americans for generations.
The American Jewish experience is rooted in our own families’ stories of
immigration, of opportunity provided by public and higher education and of
protection of our civil and equal rights through enforcement of the
We were absolutely shocked by scenes earlier this week of a young graduate
student at Tufts University, Rumeysa Ozturk, being ambushed on the street
in front of her home and pressed into a car by masked agents. These are
images straight out of playbooks run by authoritarian regimes that Jews
spent generations fleeing.
This is just the latest example of the administration’s disregard for
rights and freedoms – and it makes none of us safer. In fact, this
administration’s actions are increasing tensions for Jewish students on
campuses and in communities around the country.
It’s chilling for us – as Jews – to see the rights of immigrants and
minorities being undercut by state authorities in our name.
Our history and our values compel us to speak out, and we call on the
leaders of other major American Jewish institutions to join the chorus.
Even as we fight antisemitism and other forms of hate and bigotry with all
our strength, so too we must be all in on the fight to protect fundamental
pillars of this country’s strength – including the right to free speech
and academic freedom.
If the Trump Administration is truly committed to fighting antisemitism,
it can start by taking responsibility for the hateful rhetoric and thinly
veiled antisemitic conspiracy theories propagated by those it has elevated
to senior positions and to immediately stop weaponizing very real Jewish
concerns to push its own anti-democratic agenda, undermining the vital
fight against those who actively fuel antisemitism.
And at J Street U, we’re continuing to provide a network of support - and
a national platform - for students across the country who need it now more
than ever.
Thank you, sincerely, for your ongoing support
Erin Beiner
Director, J Street U
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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy
Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the
Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we
advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish
and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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