, please join us:

Two top contenders for the Republican nomination for a New Hampshire Congressional seat will virtually meet face to face on Monday evening, June 8 when they join the founders of the Legislative Beer Caucus for a zoom meeting forum. 

Matt Mayberry and Matt Mowers are hoping to replace Manchester Democrat Chris Pappas as Congressman for New Hampshire's Congressional District 1. 

This is the latest is a series of Beer Caucus “Happy Hours” where members chat with public figures over libations about various contemporary issues. Earlier sessions have included candidates Don Bolduc and Corky Messner, National GOP Committeeman Chris Ager, Senate Republican Leader Chuck Morse, and House Republican leader Dick Hinch, among others.

The June 8 event commences at 8 p.m. EDT. The public is welcome to join in and registration access available: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEud-mtqTIqHtzd50loq61OX4h6tVLPG8pW

Contact Rep Lang if you have questions or concerns.


Rep Tim Lang - (R-Sanbornton) cell 603-566-9802 for any questions.
Rep Reed Panasiti - (R - Amherst)
Rep Howard Pearl - (R - Loudon)
Hon Michael Moffett - (R- Loudon)
