Brave, bold, and unwavering protestors  have been showing up every night since May 28 to demand justice for the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others. They join protestors across the nation who are rising up in righteous anger for justice for all who have been harmed by white supremacist violence in all its forms.

In response to these courageous acts, Denver Police Department has been arresting protestors with impunity. No one deserves to be caged, and Denver DSA is honored to be out supporting our community and receiving recently released people with love, food, water, supplies, and a listening ear. After initially supporting our beloved comrades and loved ones who were in police custody at the beginning of the week, we are proud to now be running a full-time Jail Support operation outside Denver City Jail in their honor.

It is really something magical to witness someone breathe free air in the free world again after having been caged, dehumanized, and traumatized. You have the chance to make someone feel loved, supported, and remembered even on one of their darkest days.

Join us!

We are offering people who have recently been released water, food, use of a phone to call their friends or family, cigarettes, hand sanitizer, a ride home, a clean mask, and a listening ear. We're also building community with those who are waiting for their loved one to be released.

We need people staffing our base camp. We're in front of Denver City Jail everyday from 8:30 AM - 7 PM. We are also accepting donations for the purchase of supplies and Uber rides for recently released folks. We are also beginning to document testimonies and evidence of police abuse which we are planning to give to Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca in a larger campaign to push for abolitionist demands in Denver.

Everyone deserves love, care, and dignity. You can be a part of making that happen. This is an especially wonderful way of getting involved if you have been unable to attend the protests downtown because of health or safety reasons.

Text (813-373-0167) or Slack (@Ellie Rodriguez) me to sign up for a shift or donate! If you are an attorney interested in helping us expand our legal support for recently released people please text or Slack me!

Learn more about what our jail support in Denver looks like here. Here are some great visuals about why Jail Support is so crucial and so healing from @natinthehattt and !

In solidarity and in hope,

Ellie Rodriguez


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