Fellow conservative,

President Trump is neck and neck with Joe Biden in Texas.

Quinnipiac just put out a poll that has the two within one percentage point of each other.

After coming close in 2018, the Democrats are really turning up the heat in Texas.

The media has even labeled Texas as a toss-up.

This is not a time for us to sit back and assume that we've got Texas in the bag for 2020.

The Democrats are throwing everything they've got at us. From Joe Biden to Wendy Davis, coastal elites from New York and California are emptying their pockets into Texas.

It's time to fight back.

We have to say no to Joe Biden and Wendy Davis here in Texas.

Will you help us send that message? Chip in today and let's tell Joe Biden that Texas is Trump Country.

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There's really no denying it—the Radical Left smells blood in Texas.

Since their narrow margin of defeat in 2018, the Democrats feel like they're picking up steam.

As we've said for months, Nancy Pelosi has had Texas circled on her map this entire election cycle as a potential target to flip blue.

We need to come together as conservatives and say no to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Wendy Davis. Let's keep Texas red.

Chip in now so we can send a message to Pelosi that Texas isn't going anywhere. This is Trump Country.

I'm proud to be your Congressman.

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
Make sure Texas remains Trump Country >>
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