Good morning John,

It's National Gun Violence Awareness Day. I wanted to make sure that you saw Jacey's email that describes the ways you can safely participate in #WearOrange events in Wisconsin today. Let's honor those we have lost to gun violence, highlight community violence interrupters, and turn our neighborhoods and social media orange.



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Hey John,

Friday is National Gun Violence Awareness Day. We hope you will join us by wearing orange and raising awareness about gun violence, especially the disproportionate impact of gun homicides -- including police homicides -- on people of color in America. 

In one tragic example of gun violence against a 15-year-old Black girl, Hadiya Pendleton was shot and killed in Chicago on January 29, 2013 -- just one week after performing at President Obama's second inauguration. Orange was her favorite color, and her friends decided to honor her by wearing orange on her birthday, June 2. Since that time, orange has become a symbol of gun violence prevention and awareness. 

Hadiya Pendleton, family photo in the Chicago Tribune

To honor Hadiya Pendleton and all victims of gun violence (while remaining vigilant in preventing the spread of COVID-19), here are some safe ways to get involved in Wisconsin:

  • All-day, use your social media platforms to raise awareness. Be sure to tag us @WaveEdFund and use the hashtag #WearOrange. Here is a toolkit with images and sample messages you can use:
  • All-day, turn your home orange! Decorate with orange sidewalk chalk, porch lights, flowers, painted rocks, and window/yard signs.
  • At 11 am, tune in on Facebook to a live, virtual press conference where we are participating with the City of Milwaukee Office of Violence Prevention:
    Please note that given current events, this may need to be changed or canceled. Stay tuned.
  • At 2 pm, watch a live Zoom panel hosted by WAVE's Fox Valley Action Team and the local Mom's Demand Action team. Sign up using this link, and we will email you the login information:
  • Night, check out the Milwaukee-area buildings that we asked to light up orange! Share pictures of them on social media, and be sure to tag us @WaveEdFund. Here is a list of the confirmed participating buildings: 
    • Fiserv
    • Miller Park
    • Milwaukee County Historical Society
    • Mitchell International Airport
    • Mitchell Park Domes
    • Pfister Hotel
    • Wisconsin Center Tunnel

Thank you for joining us in our effort to raise awareness about, and ultimately prevent, gun violence in Wisconsin.

Jacey Bonavia

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WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217

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