Congress should limit regulations, not shell out more spending. How will Europe deal with the rising U.S.-China tensions?
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June 5, 2020
Police Swat Team ([link removed] )
25 Years of Research on Police Accountability ([link removed] )
Cato is proud of its decades of work on the subject of police misconduct and accountability.
- A Quarter Century of Cato Research on Police Accountability ([link removed] )
By Walter Olson
covid-19-money ([link removed] )
Deregulating the Economy Will Work Better than More Spending ([link removed] )
If the government simply relaxed its grip on the economy, then the drivers of wealth creation — entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment — would flourish on their own accord.
- Congress Should Take Trump's Cue and Deregulate to Stimulate ([link removed] )
By William Yeatman
State Debt and the Eleventh Amendment ([link removed] )
With COVID‐related spending exacerbating state finances, we may be in for a major development of Eleventh Amendment doctrine.
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Donald Trump Should Switch to Cooperation as Kim Jong Un Emphasizes Confrontation ([link removed] )
There is no imaginable circumstance under which Kim will abandon weapons of such great value in return for a mess of American pottage, promises that could be broken at any moment. However, he might agree to important limits, for a price.
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Police Violence and the Racist Drug War ([link removed] )
Ending the drug war will not eliminate police violence, but it would be a big step in the right direction.
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