ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Dear Friend --

“No country will ever just give up their nuclear weapons” 

“But deterrence protects us”

“The military-industrial complex is too powerful, you can’t beat them.”

Chances are that you will have heard at least one of these arguments while talking to people about nuclear weapons and about the UN Treaty banning them. We know, because we hear it all the time too. 

It is important to push back against these common misconceptions so that we don’t just accept the narrative that nuclear weapons are here to stay. That’s why we decided to create a small guide, packed with witty and concise answers to 11 common questions and comments about nuclear weapons. 

Download this guide

Print out a copy as a pocket-sized guide, to have handy whenever these arguments come up in conversation. ICAN will also be printing copies soon to give to our campaigners, so they can use them for their events and meetings, upon request.

We hope it will be as useful for you as it is for us - and that you will share this resource with your friends if you like it!

Thank you for all you do,


Alicia Sanders-Zakre
Policy & Research Coordinator
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)


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