Biggs for

I am honored to announce that the National Right to Life Political Action Committee, one of the largest pro-life advocacy groups in the nation, has endorsed my re-election to the House of Representatives.

During my time in Congress I have fought the left's radical attempts to legalize infanticide. I have repeatedly voted to support pro-life legislation like the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and I am proud to hold a 100% pro-life voting record.

Unfortunately our work isn't finished. Democrats in Arizona are spending millions to unseat me and defeat President Trump. If they succeed, all the hard work we've put into stopping the murder of unborn children will be erased.

We have less than 5 months to stop the Pro-Infanticide Democrats from taking total control in Washington. We need every Pro-Life advocate like you to take a stand by chipping in $10, $15, $25 or even more to stop the Democrats' radical abortion agenda.

CHIP IN $10 ➯

CHIP IN $15 ➯

CHIP IN $25 ➯


Democratic leadership know this is a losing issue for them. That's why the Democrats are spending millions of dollars and leaning on their ultra-liberal mainstream media allies to spread disinformation and outright lies about their radical agenda.

Your contribution, will help us break through their wall of lies and expose their "pro-choice" propaganda campaign for the murderous fraud it really is.

Donate Now ➯

Again, I am truly honored to have the support of the National Right to Life Political Action Committee. I will never waver in my fight to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

Thank you,

Congressman Andy Biggs
Chairman, House Freedom Caucus

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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