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Indiana Republicans,

First, I would like to say congratulations to all Hoosier Republicans elected on Tuesday to serve as delegates at our virtual 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention. Due to continuing impacts of COVID-19, our 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention will look a little different this year – but will still ensure our delegates select our nominees for lieutenant governor and attorney general.

With our virtual convention on June 18 approaching quickly, we wanted to make sure that you had all the information about convention -- including how voting will work.

That's why we've put together this video taking you through the process step by step, and answering a few frequently asked questions. I'd really encourage you to take a few minutes to watch this video, and share it with anyone who will also be a delegate this year. 

And then for more information -- including upcoming deadlines, a link for paying delegate fees, and more FAQs -- you can also visit our updated convention website hereFor Hoosiers serving as delegates, make sure you pay your $50 delegate fee by June 9.

Your Indiana Republican State Committee is committed to protecting our delegates’ rights to select our party nominees for lieutenant governor and attorney general. Through it all, delegates’ voices and votes are fundamental.

Thank you,
Chairman Kyle Hupfer

WATCH: 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention Explained
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Paid for by Indiana Republican Party
Authorized by Indiana Republican Party.

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA