
Volume 23 • Issue 23 • June 04, 2020
"[T]he current body of evidence does not provide sufficient evidence to support the position that cannabis users are at increased risk of occupational injury."
"Collectively, these results indicate that cannabis may reduce PTSD symptoms in the short-term."
"Medical cannabis treatment enabled nearly half of the patients to discontinue any treatment for fibromyalgia."
Of the 25 products tested, 15 possessed quantities of CBD that were far below what was advertised on the products' labels.
"Due to the significant toxicity and prevalence based on social media posts, regulators and laboratory personnel should be aware of its use in adulterated cannabis oil."
Under the previous rules, state-qualified patients were limited to purchasing cannabis products from a single, designated dispensary.
"Following the enactment of decriminalization on July 1, we expect to see an even more drastic reduction in these arrests."
Just under 66 percent of those surveyed said that they would "definitely" or "probably" vote in November for the Smart and Safe Arizona Act
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A Founder Looks at 50: Tom Forcade, Michael J. Kennedy and High Times Magazine Details
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