This week sets the stage for future victories


I want to acknowledge candidly that in the midst of a nationwide uprising to protest police violence against Black and Indigenous communities and communities of color, it is complex to acknowledge and celebrate a win.

But I want to share some uplifting news: in New Mexico’s primary elections this week, voters came out in sweeping support of progressive change, setting the stage for future legislative wins to protect marginalized communities and expand access to reproductive health care.

Last year, anti-abortion state Senate Democrats blocked the repeal of an outdated abortion ban in New Mexico, jeopardizing abortion access in the state if Roe v. Wade gets overturned.The National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) Action Fund worked with our partner organizations, Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico and Forward Together Action, to secure victories for Pam Cordova (SD 30), Carrie Hamblen (SD 38), Siah Correa Hemphill (SD 28), Leo Jaramillo (SD 5), and Neomi Martinez-Parra (SD 35), all challenger candidates who ran on strong platforms supporting reproductive freedom and centering the lives of those most impacted by issues like state-sanctioned violence, poverty, health disparities, and attacks on reproductive health care.

This victory is a testament to the power of partnership. By partnering with Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico and Forward Together Action -- by combining our time, resources, and talents with state and local partners -- we were able to make real change.

From fighting white supremacy to making strides to advance reproductive freedom, New Mexicans cast their votes to build a state that respects every individual’s right and ability to live their life free from violence and oppression, with full freedom to control their bodies, lives, and futures. Let’s continue this momentum in November.

In solidarity,

Andrea Miller
NIRH Action Fund 



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