"Like most other Israelis, we gave little thought to the Palestinians who lived in the West Bank."
Ori Nir, APN Vice President for Public Affairs and native Jerusalemite (pictured there "then" and "now"), in his piece on the 53 years anniversary of the 1967 War.
June 1, 2019 - Morality
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Q. A government formed by a person indicted on corruption charges. A mafia-like display of support for him in the courtroom by his ministers. West Bank annexation plans that smell like apartheid. Centrist coalition partners elected to prevent all this and who now barely protest. Money wasted on mickey-mouse ministries during a massive corona recession.
And you are looking for morality in Israeli politics?
A. I’m looking for morality in Israeli society...
Q. Let’s start with the High Court of Justice decision, in early May, to allow Netanyahu to form this government. The Court voted 11-to-nil to reject all the appeals against the legality of the new coalition and of Netanyahu’s premiership...
A. ...one of the justices, Menachem (Meni) Mazuz, wrote that "The reality in which a criminal suspect forms a government and leads it reflects a social crisis and moral failure of society and of Israel’s political system."...
Q. And Netanyahu’s trial? It began May 24. He was unsuccessful in his efforts to avoid trial. Surely there is hope here for Israel’s future...
A. In the minutes before his trial opened, Netanyahu demonstrated to the Israeli public his total disdain for the justice system...
Q. On Sunday of this week the new Netanyahu government voted unanimously to take roughly a million dollars from each of three key ministries—health, welfare and labor—in order to finance the mickey mouse ministries that Netanyahu invented to satisfy his Likud Knesset supporters. Meanwhile the corona virus is staging a modest comeback in recently-opened schools, while roughly one million Israelis are unemployed. Moral behavior?
A. ...more egregiously immoral behavior is imminent...
Q. Indeed, annexation. Explained by Netanyahu as a moral act?
A. Of course! ...
Q. Why is Blue-White, now senior partners in Netanyahu’s coalition, not speaking out to condemn his immoral behavior? Generals Gantz and Ashkenazi are honest, lead modest lives, and campaigned against precisely these displays of immorality on Netanyahu’s part.
A. It was Edmund Burke who first allegedly stated that "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ...
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
- Bill, Resolutions, and Letters
- Hearings
- On the Record
APN letter to Vice President Biden
...we are writing to urge you to declare now that if you are elected as the next president of the United States, you will not recognize any unilateral Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank.
Read the letter
"West Bank Annexation: A View from the Knesset" - Briefing Call with MK Merav Michaeli
The Israeli government’s decision to annex large parts of the West Bank is now on the forefront of the political agenda in the public and in the Israeli Knesset.
Join us for a briefing call with MK Merav Michaeli of Israel’s Labor Party, a member of the opposition in the Knesset, and a longtime advocate for Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Thursday, June 11, 11:00 am (Eastern)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058, Participant Access Code: 147414
Go HERE for more info on the call and Merav Michaeli
The Real Reason for 'Mainstream' Jewish America’s Appalling Silence on Annexation
by Hadar Susskind, APN President and CEO
Israel's leaders are sacrificing democracy and human rights on the altar of ethno-nationalism. And all those U.S. Jewish groups claiming to back a two state solution have suddenly lost their voice?
PeaceCast Episode #129: "Annexation and Refugees" with Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin
Listen to the discussion about Israeli public opinion regarding West Bank annexation and a new study on a practical solution to the Palestinian refugee problem. Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin is an Israeli public opinion expert, international political and strategic consultant, scholar and writer.
Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play
53-Year Anniversary of the 1967 War - Reflections from a Jerusalemite
APN's Ori Nir begins with some indellible childhood memories at the time of the 1967 War, and connects this to the current day and what looks like Israel's impending annexation of some of the West Bank land it has controlled for the past 53 years.