
Did you catch our email on Tuesday? Arizona is going to have a significant impact in the 2020 elections and Mark Kelly, Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats are aiming to take over the Grand Canyon State. We could really use your input on which candidates you think will win in November. Take the official survey below to let us know!
Thank you in advance for participating,
AZGOP Research Team

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From: AZGOP Research Team
Date: Tue, Jun. 2, 2020 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Who will win in 2020?


Arizona is already a key player in the 2020 elections. The Democrats hope to unseat Senator McSally, replace her with anti-gun advocate Mark Kelly, and regain power in the U.S. Senate.

Not only is Arizona's race key, but the road to the White House will run straight through the Grand Canyon State. The Democrats were able to push Joe Biden through their bogus primary, and it appears that he and the Obamas will be having a reunion tour on the campaign trail. We need to hear from you, who will win in 2020?
Onward to Victory,
AZGOP Research Team