Vote for EPI today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change.
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In the midst of the pandemic, one of the hardest hit segments of our population are older workers.
Elise Gould and I have written a series of reports for EPI showing that seniors are largely unable to telecommute ([link removed]) because of the nature of their work, putting them at increased exposure to COVID-19; highlighting how the CARES Act has been an important lifeline for many households, but its temporary economic support doesn’t do enough to protect older workers ([link removed]) ; and offering a detailed look at what type of stimulus ([link removed]) would most help seniors.
Our nation is at a crossroads. The pandemic has forced a re-imagining of what our economy looks like and how it should function. Now, more than ever, we need EPI's critical economic research to guide policymakers on how to protect working people in the midst of this crisis.
Now, we have some good news: Our friends at CREDO Mobile have selected EPI to receive a share of $150,000 in funding this month. The more votes we get the larger share of funding we receive. So, we are not asking for donations. But we do need you to take a moment and vote for EPI today! ([link removed])
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Click here to vote for EPI today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
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CREDO is an essential partner in our fight to make sure our economy works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
Click here to vote for EPI, and fuel our efforts to produce the critical economic research both policy makers and activists need. All you have to do is VOTE! ([link removed])
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced policy makers to simultaneously deal with an economic collapse and a public health emergency, especially many vulnerable olders workers. EPI and The New School’s Retirement Equity Lab (ReLab) recently held a panel I spoke on addressing this exact issue that included top thought leaders on the subject of older workers: Teresa Ghilarducci from ReLab, who was also the moderator; and Kilolo Kijakazi and Richard Johnson from The Urban Institute. You can watch the webinar here ([link removed]) .
EPI's economic research takes on new urgency as we reshape and rebuild our economy.
Thank you for your support,
Monique Morrissey
Economist, Economic Policy Institute
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