Just moments after we launched our petition for Secretary Mark Esper to resign last night, Donald Trump's former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, issued a blistering statement — painting Trump's response to national protests as a violation of Constitutional rights.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper must resign. If you’re with us, add your name to our petition today.
From the start of his tenure, it was clear that Secretary Esper was only chosen to be the anti-Mattis – someone who would be a weak yes-man to Donald Trump.
This week active-duty troops were moved into Washington DC, but Secretary Esper had given them the order to return back to their home base. He suddenly reversed that decision this afternoon, when news broke that his job might be in jeopardy.
Today’s decision to buckle to Donald Trump’s pressure and reverse the decision to send troops home from Washington, DC shows that he does not have the mettle nor the moral bearing to head the department.
Time and again, Secretary Esper has shown himself all too willing to enable every worst instinct of Donald Trump. And today is the final straw.
We will not sit idly by and watch the institution we love, and the men and women who serve in it, continue to be turned into a politicized force for a wannabe tinpot dictator.
If you’re with us, add your name to the petition to demand Secretary Esper resign immediately.
— VoteVets
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