Can the President deploy troops to put down protests? Is there anything we can learn from troops even if we don't deploy them?
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June 4, 2020
Supreme Court 2 ([link removed] )
The Supreme Court Rules on COVID-19 Restrictions and Religious Freedom ([link removed] )
Over the last 60 or so years liberals and conservatives have switched places on the question of religious accommodation. Few foresaw this development.
- COVID and Churches Go to the Supreme Court ([link removed] )
By Walter Olson
is-war-over ([link removed] )
We Can Learn from Military Personnel Without Deploying Them ([link removed] )
The exalted status that the U.S. military enjoys is unhealthy in a constitutional republic. But Americans can learn from the men and women who wear the uniform.
- Don't Lean on the Military to Solve Our Problems—But Learn from Them ([link removed] )
By Christopher A. Preble
healy-pod ([link removed] )
Can a President Use Military Personnel Against Protests? ([link removed] )
Under what circumstances can a U.S. president use the military to put down protests in American cities? Gene Healy explains.
- Podcast: Trump Wants to Use the Military to Forcibly End Protests ([link removed] )
Featuring Gene Healy and Caleb O. Brown
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