Challenge Success stands in solidarity with those in our nation and around the world calling for an end to racial injustice. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery, killed while out for a run in Georgia in February, Breonna Taylor, killed in her home in March by Louisville police officers, and George Floyd whose life was taken last week by a police officer in Minneapolis are unjust and unacceptable. These are three Black lives out of countless others in our nation's history that have ended too soon as a result of racial violence.
We are committed as an organization to do our part to help uproot and rebuild the systems behind these atrocities. As a research-based, educational reform program, we pledge to better educate ourselves so that we may educate others. In our work, and within our SPACE framework, we will make it a priority to actively expand and adapt our own tool kits and strategies to support an equitable and anti-racist school climate -- one that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion, and calls for culturally sustaining pedagogy.
Black Lives Matter. We will not remain still, or silent, and as a start, we invite you to join us as we leverage the many anti-racism learning resources that have been compiled by others selflessly fighting for this cause.