For more information on BJS publications, data collections, data analysis tools, and funding opportunities,?visit?BJS online.
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BJS job vacancy

JUNE 3, 2020

Apply now: BJS writer-editor vacancy now available

The Bureau of Justice Statistics is seeking a writer-editor in the Publications and Dissemination Unit. Job duties include?

  • writing, editing, and reviewing reports and informational materials for diverse audiences
  • preparing layout of reports for publication
  • creating and editing statistical graphics and tables.

Applications are due by June 22, 2020.

apply now

BJS 60-day notice


Public comments requested on the proposed extension of BJS data collection: Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey

BJS encourages comments for 60 days until August 3, 2020, on the proposed extension of a currently approved data collection: Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey. Your comments on BJS?s request to the Office of Management and Budget, which is published in the?Federal Register, should address points such as?

  • whether the proposed data collection is necessary, including whether the information will have practical utility
  • the accuracy of the agency?s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of data, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions
  • whether and how the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected can be enhanced
  • the burden of the data collection on respondents, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques.

The Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey collect data on persons supervised on probation or parole, together referred to as the community supervision population. It is the only national data collection that describes the size, change, movements, outcomes, and characteristics of the community supervision populations at the national, federal, and state levels. In 2020, respondents will be asked questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected their agency. ?

BJS view federal register button

The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating reliable statistics on crime and criminal justice in the United States. Jeffrey H. Anderson is the director.

For more information on BJS's publications, data collections, data analysis tools, and funding opportunities,?visit?BJS online.

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