By John Wojcik

In the midst of the worst multi-layered crisis in U.S. history, the nation has cause to celebrate today after voters in two states delivered a powerful double victory to the forces of progress.
In Iowa, as Republican primary voters were dumping Rep. Steve King, one of the country’s most notorious white supremacists, people in Ferguson, Missouri, elected Ella Jones to be the city’s first-ever African American and woman mayor.
The two results come as welcome news to the country as the national uprising for racial justice continues today from coast to coast.
The victory of Jones in Ferguson came six years after that city erupted in protests when a white police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, a Black teenager. Jones, 65, pledged to continue changes introduced after the shooting of Brown in 2014, including a federal consent decree, a law requiring sweeping reforms to Ferguson’s police department.
In her victory speech on the same night that the most outspoken white supremacist in the Congress went down to defeat, Jones stressed that she was in full support of the nationwide uprising against police violence even as she condemned....