News from BPC’s Health Program
In this edition, we focus on the impact of COVID-19 on rural hospitals and telehealth policy, and prospects for expanding telehealth for all Americans moving forward. For more information on BPC’s Health Program, visit our website or contact us at [email protected].
Upcoming Event:
Thursday, June 4
10:00 – 11:00 AM E.T.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, emergency actions have enabled a drastic increase in the use of telehealth, but the changes that made this possible are not permanent. Join BPC for a discussion of developments in health IT and recommendations from BPC’s rural health report with experts in the administration, Congress, and health care providers in South Dakota and Tennessee.

  • Alan Levine - Executive Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer - Ballad Health

  • Jennifer McKay, M.D. - Medical Information Officer - Avera Health

  • Jim Parker - Senior Advisor for Health Reform - Department of Health and Human Services

  • Kripa Sreepada - Health Policy Advisor - Senator Tina Smith

  • Bill Frist, M.D. - Former Senate Majority Leader, Senior Fellow - BPC (moderator)

Register Now


New Content from BPC:

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, rural America faces dual problems of caring for the recent influx of sick patients and coping with massive revenue losses as a result of canceled elective procedures. In this blog post, Kate Cassling of BPC Action analyzes the impacts and advocates for long-term policy changes to address the health care disparities that make COVID-19 so dangerous for rural residents.


BPC Weekly Podcast:

In this episode, BPC’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anand Parekh discusses how to safely reopen the country without causing a second wave of coronavirus infections.


In the News:






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