[1]U.S. Senator Chris Murphy
Last night, Chris was on the Daily Show talking about the crisis we’re in and what Democrats need to do to rebuild our power and actually beat Republicans.
We wanted to share part of what Chris said was the answer. Take one minute to hear directly from Chris and share it to help us make clear that the American people are demanding big, bold ideas to unrig our economy and democracy.
WATCH NOW : [link removed]
Since November, Chris has been making the case that Democrats have to stop defending the status quo and thinking small.
No more incrementalism. This is a moment for a fundamental rebuild of the left.
Democrats need to take risks. Our democracy is in crisis, and the corruption is happening before our eyes. We cannot afford to play it safe and play by the old “norms.”
We have to be willing to use every leverage point and bit of power we have — and offer the American people a real vision for how we would fix our country. democracy.
-Team Murphy
👋An important request before you click away…
Chris Murphy is at the forefront of Democrats’ efforts to fight back against Donald Trump and Elon Musk. He’s trying to model the kind of leadership you deserve from your elected officials in this moment and inspire his colleagues to join him.
It’s a tough fight that requires his full attention. Small-dollar donations ensure he can give 100% of his time to this effort. Anything you can give makes a difference.
Please consider making a donation to support Senator Murphy’s leadership and work in the Senate. Our movement is powered by people. We don’t take a dime from PACs or corporations — because Chris refuses to be beholden to corrupt interests and billionaires who profit off the status quo at our expense.
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