Fellow Illinoisan,

The anger and pain that we have seen in cities and towns across the country over the past week is a reflection of generations of trauma. People are rightfully exhausted by the pervasive and systemic racism that has long gripped the United States. 

The heartbreaking killing of George Floyd last week follows years of similar tragedies and needless loss. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Trayvon Martin. Eric Garner. Michael Brown. Laquan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Walter Scott. Freddie Gray. Sandra Bland. Philando Castile. Botham Jean. Atatiana Jefferson. And many, many more.



Too often, police officers have crossed the line from lawfully protecting our communities to baselessly targeting, harming, and killing unarmed Americans of color. Perhaps an arrest is made, but our justice system rarely leads to real consequences for those actions.

What we need is accountability. The arrest of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is a first step. But there are many more to go. We cannot call our country a land of justice until we address fundamental issues of racial injustice. 

We need an honest, candid conversation with police chiefs and law enforcement officers about, inherent bias, use of force, training, and consequences for unjust actions. We need prosecutors and courts to commit to pursuing true accountability when injustices occur. And we need legislators, like myself, to continue to undo the damage of a criminal justice system fraught with racial disparities.

Most importantly, it will require those of us with privilege and power to step back and listen to Black Americans affected by pervasive, systemic racism. If we truly seek to reach a solution, impacted communities must lead the conversation, and allies must be willing to do the hard work of confronting and dismantling racism.

We can honor George, Breonna, Ahmaud, and all of the Black and brown lives we have lost in these brutal acts of racial injustice by reforming the system that has permitted these atrocities to occur, and dedicating ourselves to bringing about justice and accountability.


U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)



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