Dear Friend,

We are profoundly saddened by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and the many Black lives taken by the brutality of police forces throughout the United States. It is imperative that we work together to dismantle the unjust systems, and the racism and oppression that are deeply embedded within our society in all forms.

The Rian Immigrant Center welcomes families from more than 120 different countries across the globe, and we are concerned for the well being of our immigrant constituents of color.  Our center will continue to actively fight racism and promote equity in our community. We are committed to fighting for racial justice, and we stand with the Black community, and people of color in protesting the injustice and violence they face. 

Our Center will continue to provide vital resources to our underserved neighbors as we work towards a society where all are welcomed and valued, and have equal opportunities and protections.

Stand with us: 

Educate yourself, suggested readings: 

Support from home and take action:

  • Ask your Mayor and City Council to hear your concerns

  • Attend your (virtual) town halls

  • Use your social media to have discussions about justice


In solidarity,

Ronnie and all at Rian


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