Black Lives Matter.

Dear Allies,

At the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign, we stand against the systemic racism, structures of oppression, and weaponized whiteness that has been pervasive throughout this country for over 400 years. We are united in solidarity with the Black community, and demand justice in the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Yassin Mohamed, Finan Berhe, and the countless others whose names won’t make it to the headlines. We want to acknowledge the pain and grief that has been felt by many of our Black allies who have witnessed or experienced this ongoing violence and tragedies. We are outraged by the subsequent treatment of people around this country who are making their voices heard and demanding change. We believe that Black Lives Matter.

As groups that work on immigrant justice issues, it is imperative that we respond to white supremacy and racial injustice. We ask that you sign onto this letter from NILC expressing solidarity with Black communities and demanding justice. 

We want to use PIF’s platform as an opportunity to strengthen our relationships, and share messages, resources and events that are being led by our Black immigrant allies. We invite our Black partners to use the Campaign to amplify your voices and work. We are committed to being vigilant in researching opportunities to strengthen relationships with Black-founded and -led organizations. 

We recognize our privileges in this space, and we sincerely look forward to learning as a campaign and reflecting on our work through an intersectional lens. Moving forward, we are committed to learning from and working with Black communities to build a country where true racial and economic justice exists. 

In strength and solidarity,

Madison Allen (CLASP)
Connie Choi & Jenny Rejeske (NILC)

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