
In 2016, we saw numerous examples of foreign actors seeking to influence our elections and prop up their candidate of choice. This is a direct threat to our democracy, and threatens the integrity of our elections -- which is why Jason is bringing the fight to keep our country safe and secure right to the halls of Congress.

Just recently, Jason introduced the Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections -- FIRE Act -- to the House of Representatives. This act would:

  • Help prevent foreign influence in our elections by requiring all political campaigns to immediately report any contact with or contributions from foreign nationals;
  • Require campaigns to implement a compliance system to monitor reportable foreign contacts; and
  • Make campaigns responsible for reporting applicable foreign contacts to the FEC, which would notify the FBI.
Country should always come over self and over party, friend. And during his tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Jason saw what happened in countries where the people couldn't trust the results of their elections or the word of their representatives. It breeds distrust and corruption -- and we cannot let that happen in the U.S. by allowing foreign influence to remain unchecked in our democracy.

As we head into 2020, it's more urgent than ever to put an end to foreign influence in our elections. Watch Jason on ABC Denver talk about the importance of making our elections secure from foreign influence, and then add your name as a resident co-sponsor today.


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