I see you. I hear you.
We’ve reached a breaking point. The murder of George Floyd, on camera, in broad daylight, while he begged for air, by a law enforcement officer, cannot be forgotten or ignored.
To every person who has taken to the streets to perform your right as an American to peacefully protest, I say: I see you. I hear you.
Police brutality is a violent reminder of systematic racism in our country. It can no longer be ignored. Systematic problems require systematic solutions. I will make this promise to you: to work with any of my colleagues who agree to come to the table to address not only police accountability, but systematic racism and inequality in our housing, education, health care, financial, workplace and justice systems. I hope we will look at this moment as a pivotal point in which our country finally came together to fight for true justice for all.
And to those who are demanding justice, I implore you to continue using your collective voice to peacefully call for change and to not let those few who seek to co-opt this movement with violence or destruction do so.
Today, for those who can, I ask that you make a contribution to the Faith Organizing Alliance, a Las Vegas-based civic organization working to advance a community and government that is more just and equitable for all.
In service,