Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn’t; Don’t Compare The George Floyd Riots To Charlottesville! (Oh, On Second Thought, Antifa Was Guilty There Too); etc. (93 items 06/02/2020)

Black on white crime dominates traffic this week as riots erupt across the country.

In first: Her Name Is Justine Damond: In 2017, A Somolian Minneapolis Police Officer Murdered A White Woman Reporting A Possible Sexual Assault. Must have missed that riot.

Second: Her Name Is Leslie Baker: White Mother Of Two Murdered In Her Driveway By 16-Year-Old Black Male In Dallas.

But in third, John Derbyshire observes: We’re Not Allowed to Be Honest About Black Crime—So We May End Up With A Crazy Black Lady President.

Fourth, in Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn’t, Federale argues that Derek Chauvin is as innocent as George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, and Daniel Pantaleo.

Finally, in fifth, Anthony Boehm compares the riots in Newark 1967 to today’s Minneapolis. The Great Replacement: Newark NJ vs. Minneapolis MN. The “Great Invasion,” “Great Migrations,” and “Great Replacements,” might not be that great after all.

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