John --

Representing the people of the 9th Congressional District is a tremendous honor. Since taking office, I have supported President Trump’s America First agenda to help create an economy that is inclusive of all people. This includes working to lower the cost of healthcare, strengthening our military and border security, supporting fair trade deals to sell American products around the world, creating good-paying jobs, making our education system more accountable for our young people, and protecting 2nd Amendment rights.

House Democrats, under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, have advocated for disastrous policies that, if enacted, would make America unrecognizable and threaten the livelihoods of hardworking Pennsylvanians in the 9th District. In this time of uncertainty, we need to accentuate what has made America great and mitigate what has pulled us down. I will continue to help make America as great as can be for as many Americans as possible. Republicans also must win back the US House in order to truly advance a pro-growth agenda that will begin a great American comeback once again.

Thank you,

Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 11512, Harrisburg, PA 17108, United States
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