Like many of you, I'm heartbroken and outraged after watching in horror last week as yet another African-American man was murdered by police on camera. I share the rage that so many feel, in Minneapolis, here in New York City, across the country, and around the world, at having to shout, yet again, that Black lives matter.
The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer while three others stood around and watched is a tragedy -- and a crime. All the officers involved must be held accountable, and we must take action to dismantle the racist institutions that allow devastating acts of violence like this to keep happening against brown and black communities.
One way to help chip away at the structural racism that has been enshrined in American institutions is to donate to the frontline organizations that are supporting protesters, organizing communities, and mobilizing help for those in need.
Black Lives Matter NY is fighting to assist black families, individuals and community leaders in achieving justice. Campaign Zero is utilizing research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in the U.S. Donate today and be part of the change.
BLACK LIVES MATTER >>> [[link removed]]
CAMPAIGN ZERO >>> [[link removed]]
The murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police officers is a horrific tragedy that demands justice. But this isn't only about one man. This is about a system that is designed to keep a racist structure in place; a system that targets black and brown communities; a system that, right now, is working as designed.
We need to dismantle the system and rebuild one based on justice for all. Join me in supporting Black Lives Matter NY and Campaign Zero -- organizations on the frontlines of that battle.
BLACK LIVES MATTER >>> [[link removed]]
CAMPAIGN ZERO >>> [[link removed]]
DONATE TO CAMPAIGN ZERO >>>[link removed]