ANTIFA has wreaked havoc on our country for years, but this week they’ve really shown their true colors.
Burning down buildings. Looting from small businesses. Inciting violent protests. Riots in every major city in America.
So I guess my question is…. Where is Wendy Davis?
Why hasn’t she spoken out against a domestic terrorist group that is wreaking havoc on our communities?
Does she support this violence and hatred?
Is she trying not to scare off her extremist liberal allies like Nancy Pelosi and AOC?
In her silence, Wendy Davis is choosing ANTIFA over peace, property and life. She’s choosing looting and violence that crush small (often minority-owned) businesses over law and order.
Wendy Davis’s silence puts her on the side with those defacing our city, state and nation.
This is who wants to represent Texas’s 21st District in Congress?
I condemn ANTIFA in the strongest way possible and fully support designating them for what they are: terrorists.
What happened to George Floyd is wrong, and his family deserves justice. That truth is undeniable. But burning down buildings and looting from small businesses is nothing more than criminals being criminals.
Texans believe in law & order. We also believe in peace and property rights.
If Davis can’t speak out against ANTIFA now, how can anyone expect her to stand up for what is right in the halls of the United States Congress.
Wendy Davis needs to stop playing to her radical extremist donors from New York and California and condemn terrorism.