Dear friend of OpenSecrets,

In the face of the ongoing pandemic and unrest across the U.S., citizens are both hyper engaged about voting and rightfully nervous about going to the polls. There are dozens of primaries across multiple states on the calendar this month and leading up to the conventions in August. Whether the vote is held in person or by mail, when it comes to covering the 2020 money race, OpenSecrets will serve our users without interruption. 

CRP is bringing you timely and essential data and updates on campaign fundraising so that you are equipped with the facts before you cast your vote. So far in the 2020 election cycle:
  • Presidential campaign committees have raised enormous sums — President Donald Trump's reelection campaign has raised $262 million and former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has raised nearly $174 million.
  • 64 percent of Trump’s donations have come from small donors ($174 million) while Biden has raised $69 million from those giving $200 or less (39 percent of his total fundraising).
  • Outside groups that don’t fully disclose their funding sources have already spent more than $100 million to influence 2020 races. 
  • In a huge blow to disclosure the IRS recently moved to weaken rules governing tax reports, adding fuel to efforts to keep dark money hidden.
We’re covering all campaign activity with in-depth analysis during the final stretch. And throughout the critical primaries we’re examining the intersection of candidate race, gender, identity and funding in U.S. elections with a series of articles and investigative reports, providing evidence on how representative our government is. 
Again, thank you for investing In our expert team and resources, and for helping to preserve OpenSecrets data in the public interest.

With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director 
Center for Responsive Politics

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