
This is a very concerning time in our country. The city I live in, Washington, DC, saw peaceful protestors and members of the clergy tear-gassed last night to clear the way for President Trump to stage a political photo op at a church. It is clear how much work we have to do to fight the injustices in our country.

One way we can make a difference is to work to elect better leaders in Washington who aren’t beholden to President Trump and his racist agenda. In that vein, I wanted to make sure you saw the note we sent yesterday about our endorsed candidates who have elections today.

Michael Franken (IA-Sen), Tom McDermott (IN-01), and Christina Hale (IN-05) have their primaries today, and we hope you’ll give them some last-minute support if you can.

Stay safe and stay vigilant. And let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you in this time.

Thank you for all you do,





We are happy to write to you with some more hopeful news today -- that three of our endorsed candidates will be on the ballot tomorrow with elections in Indiana and Iowa. All are the kind of principled leaders we need in this time of crisis in our country. Tom McDermott (IN-01), Christina Hale (IN-05), and Michael Franken (IA-Sen) have their primaries tomorrow to determine whether they will be the Democratic nominees on the ballot in November.

Tom McDermott is running for Congress in Indiana’s 1st Congressional District. As a young man, Tom enlisted in the United States Navy and served six years as a nuclear submariner aboard the USS Hyman G. Rickover. Eventually, Tom returned to Northwest Indiana to open his own law practice. Now, Tom is the youngest mayor ever elected in Hammond -- and its longest-serving mayor in the city’s history.

Christina Hale is running for Congress in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. Christina was elected to the Indiana State House in 2012 and quickly established a reputation as a tireless public servant. Despite serving in the minority for two terms, she was able to bridge political divides to pass important bipartisan legislation supporting women, families, and small businesses. Christina also served as executive director of Kiwanis Youth Programs at Kiwanis International, where she led programs locally and globally to improve the lives of children by expanding access to health care, education, and leadership opportunities.

Michael Franken is running for U.S. Senate in Iowa. Mike retired from the U.S. Navy in 2017 after a 36-year career, which saw him rise through the ranks to vice admiral. He’s a fourth-generation rural Iowan, and the youngest of nine kids of a WWII wounded vet and a one-room schoolhouse teacher. He is an avid supporter of measures to curtail climate change, to fix health care in our country, and to ensure all rungs of the ladder of success are available to tomorrow’s youth. He’s running to unseat Senator Joni Ernst as Iowa’s junior senator.

This time we are in calls for experienced, pragmatic leaders. We need people who have shown they are willing and able to fight for the things we all need right now -- equality, affordable health care, a strong education, secure livelihoods, and access to good jobs or a path to them. We need leaders who will get us out of this mess and restore our country’s health and economy so we can continue on the path of progress.



Thank you,

Serve America