Here's the problem:

Mitch McConnell is putting partisan politics and special interests ahead of what’s best for New Jersey and the country.

I’ve been working with my colleagues in Washington to get things done for New Jersey families:

  • I co-sponsored a bipartisan effort to expand background checks and prevent gun violence.
  • I fought to secure funding to improve New Jersey transportation infrastructure, including the Gateway Tunnel project.
  • I’ve taken measures to secure our election systems from outside interference.
  • I’ve helped advance plans to improve access to health care and lower drug prices.

But here’s the problem, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been holding things up in the Senate.

Tell McConnell enough is enough. Add your name →

McConnell has been stalling for months and refusing to take up important measures that the House has already advanced. Congress is at a standstill, because he refuses to do his part.

So far, it’s worked out OK for McConnell because he has the benefit of connections to special-interest groups. The National Rifle Association has poured money into his campaign. His wife is Transportation Secretary and is greenlighting his state’s preferred transportation projects while New Jersey is STILL waiting to hear back.

While it might be working out for McConnell, it’s NOT working out for New Jersey.

Mitch McConnell needs to get back to work.

Sign our petition and demand McConnell take action on the legislation our country needs.

Thank you,


Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043