Bumping this so you don’t miss out on this opportunity -- we’ve extended our 5X matching for the next 12 hours in order to CRUSH our monthly fundraising goal.
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Bumping this so you don’t miss out on this opportunity -- we’ve extended our 5X matching for the next 12 hours in order to CRUSH our monthly fundraising goal. 

We are only $1,200 away from our goal, so I am personally reaching out to my top supporters to help. 

Even a $1 contribution will make a difference, chip in now!

--Forwarded Message--


We are in a tough spot. 

We landed just shy of hitting our May fundraising goal.

But here’s the good news -- we have extended our deadline for 24 HOURS and reactivated our 5X-matching offer for one more chance at reaching our goal. Rush a 5X-match contribution and help us catch up before 11:59 PM tonight!

Defending the Senate Majority is dependent on us sending Jason Lewis to the U.S. Senate. Jason has the complete endorsement of President Trump, it’s on us to make sure that they can continue the fight for our conservative values in Washington. That starts with critical reinforcement to our campaign!
Control of the White House and Senate will come down to what happens in battleground states like Minnesota. Chuck Schumer and the Liberate Elite Democrats are raising buckets of money in an attempt to buy power --- we can’t let the Left win. 
Time is running out and we don’t have much time to make up ground. Contribute now to help close the gap!

This will be the most important election of our lifetime, John. Democrats are angry, well-funded, and more motivated than ever. This is our last chance to reach this critical goal to fight back. Chip in now.


Kaley - Finance Director
Team Lewis

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

This message reflects the opinions and representations of Jason Lewis for Senate. You are receiving this email because you signed up as a member of Jason Lewis for Senate's online community. 

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