Help Fair and Square flip Texas Blue!

We must unite against hate.

We're going to get through the coronavirus outbreak together. If you are experiencing symptoms or are looking for more information, you can visit the website of the CDC or the Texas Department of Health. We are closely monitoring the situation and its effects on the people of Texas and our nation as we work together to keep our families and communities safe.



Our nation is in deep despair and anger as millions of people march and protest in cities across America and make their voices heard in frustration. George Floyd unjustly lost his life. And this is just another example that America is nowhere near racial equality, as envisioned by our civil rights leaders. It’s hard to imagine just what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would think, if he saw how fractured we are today.

This is what makes our work even more critical. We need to elect candidates who will stand up for marginalized communities and help dismantle the systems that have perpetuated and allowed institutional racism. Making our voices heard loud and clear at the ballot box in November is one of the most important ways we can begin to repair our society. This means doing our part in donating and volunteering however we can to bring real change.

Take a moment today to support these community bail funds by pitching in whatever you can today >>>

We want to thank you for standing with us throughout our fight for a more equitable Texas. Team Fair & Square is fighting to support Democrats who are ready to bring change and protect black and brown communities across the state.

Together, we are stronger. Together we will take back the House and bring the change we need.

Thank you for your support,

Team Fair & Square

Support Bail Funds
Fair and Square is a new state political action committee in Texas dedicated to creating a Democratic majority in the Texas House in 2020 and beyond.

Our mission is to provide strategic and monetary support to progressive candidates, in order to elect a Democratic majority to the Texas House in 2020 and move the state legislature to draw fair district lines after the census. Follow us on Twitter and click here to join us>>