
Last night we were able to push Governor DeSantis to once again extend a statewide moratorium on evictions. The moratorium was supposed to expire today and could have put thousands of Floridians at risk of losing their homes overnight. The Florida Housing Justice Alliance worked tirelessly and thankfully the moratorium has been extended for one more month, organizing for the win! 

Unfortunately, we know that although we’re not being evicted, our rent and bills are still piling up and we’re not getting any unemployment checks or relief to avoid being evicted later. Housing is a racial and economic justice issue!

Send a message to Governor DeSantis telling him that we need him to cancel rent and cancel our mortgage payments.

We must continue organizing in our communities to protect millions of families and their homes. During a crisis like this, we need leaders to step up to protect people instead of blaming them for not getting their unemployment checks or practically forcing them to go back to work and expose themselves to Coronavirus in order to buy food and pay rent. 

Click here to send a message to Governor DeSantis now!

Let’s keep organizing,

Bertisha Combs
South Florida Lead Organizer
New Florida Majority


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New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States