The most powerful thing we can do right now is to support protesters putting their bodies on the line for justice.

Julie Oliver for Congress


In response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis — and too many Black Americans before him — people took to the streets over the weekend and last night to speak out against systemic racism and police brutality.

Unfortunately, many protesters met rubber bullets, tear gas, and arrest.

The most powerful thing we can do right now is to support protesters putting their bodies on the line for justice. Will you join us in splitting a donation to six community bail funds today?


Julie knows that our justice system is profoundly broken and applied unequally to Black and Brown Americans. We need to demilitarize police forces, hold police accountable for abuse and excessive force, and begin the healing process in our communities.

A more equitable and just country is possible. But first, we must ensure that those exercising their First Amendment right to protest are protected.

Make a split donation to six local and national community bail funds today. Change starts with showing up, making space for those who need to be heard, and joining in solidarity with protesters fighting for transformative change.

Thank you for taking action on this. Together, we will confront systemic racism and reimagine how we build and protect our communities.

--Team Julie