⚖️⚖️ Oklahoma Ethics Commission to File Charges Against Supt. Ryan Walters ⚖️⚖️
To My Dearest Woke Mob,
Did you hear yesterday's news? The Oklahoma Ethics Commission is set to file charges against Supt. Walters for violations of State Campaign Ethics Laws.
Walters of course has a history of violating the law and getting himself tangled up in court. Even with the Ethics Commission, he's already settled one case against him. And it turns out that yes, Ryan Walters can post himself into legal trouble. [[link removed]]
In addition to voting to file charges against the Superintendent, yesterday the Commission authorized entering settlement discussions on his misuse of state property, the official OSDE twitter account, to promote the election of candidates (Co-President Trump obviously).
This is a good thing worth celebrating. But, while these charges represent Ryan Walters finally being held to a bare minimum standard for public officials, they won't result in him going away.
Since legislative Republicans in Oklahoma, and those in Washington, have decided to sell our government off to the highest, or craziest , bidder -- we have to be the ones to stop Walters' dangerous agenda. And we're working tirelessly to elect public servants that will hold him accountable.
I hope you already know about two exciting candidates running to flip red seats in upcoming Special Elections this Spring! Amy Hossain is running in House District 74 [[link removed]] and Nathan Brewer is running in Senate District 8. [[link removed]]
Our team has already worked with these campaigns to develop winning strategies and we're helping launch door knocking events this weekend to elect Democrats who will stand against Walters' bullying and corruption. [[link removed]]
In this moment of crisis, Walters, Trump, & Musk depend on us being demoralized. They want us to be pessimistic.
But notice this, the first body to truly hold Walters' feet to the fire was the Ethics Commission. That body overseeing the integrity of Oklahoma's elections and public officials was created by the people through a ballot initiative.
We are the best voice for ourselves and our neighbors. We are the ones who can and must stand up. We are the one who must get involved, and elect Democrats who will put the kids of our state first.
I'll see you out there doing the work.
With Defiance,
Lauren Craig
OKDEMS Interim Executive Director
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We are Democratic strong, powered by grassroots efforts and activists of this Great State. Our mission is to fight for Oklahoma’s most vulnerable communities, protect working families and ensure that we live up to the promises of the Oklahoma dream.
Authorized and Paid for by The Oklahoma Democratic Party
The Oklahoma Democratic Party
3815 N Santa Fe Ave., Suite 122
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
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