As our country tragically faces chaos, rioting, and destruction, Turning Point USA activists continue to fight for the future of America.
Our conservative activists are well versed in Leftist intolerance and hate.

[click the image above to watch the video]
In 2018, members of ANTIFA stormed TPUSA's Midwest Regional Conference - lighting signs and toilet paper on fire.
These are the violent mobs our BRAVE students have to face daily.

TPUSA will not stand down to a domestic terrorist organization like ANTIFA that uses violence to try to limit our freedoms.

There are countless incidents of TPUSA activists overcoming and fighting this disturbing, violent behavior from the Left:

[click the image above to read the article and watch the video]
THIS is the kind of destruction and violence we are fighting every day, on and off campus.

Turning Point USA will never succumb to the Leftist mob - because America is a country worth saving!

TPUSA is on track to hit 1,000 CHAPTERS this year, with many already rechartering for the 2020-2021 school year!

Our chapters and activists need your support NOW more than ever - each chapter plays a critical role in the fight to WIN the American Culture War.

Thank you for your support of our movement.

Charlie Kirk
Founder & Executive Director
Turning Point USA