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Benedict Fast Horse and David R restrict non local recreation on Crow reservation due to outbreak (Source: Billings Gazette)
On May 18, Navajo Nation surpassed New York for the highest per-capita coronavirus infection rate in the US – another sign of COVID’s devastating and disproportionate impact on minority communities (source: CNN). This week, as the state opens up, Crow Nation in Montana is reporting an outbreak.
"As we witness the outbreak among our brothers and sisters on Navajo Nation, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our communities safe here in Montana. Incidence has been low, but as the state begins to open up and millions of visitors are expected to enter the state, we face real and urgent risks. Donations to this fund allow us to purchase and immediately distribute critical supplies - from protective equipment to food and necessities - to our communities. Many families live in intergenerational homes, and your support also helps protect our elders, the holders of sacred cultural knowledge.”
- Marci McLean, Executive Director (Piikuni) Western Native Voice

The Navajo outbreak was fueled by challenges that also face Montana’s Native communities, such as underlying health conditions, and access to food, running water, and health services. We Are Montana is proud to partner with Native leaders across the state to direct critical aid and resources to communities before the outbreak reaches emergency levels.

Source: Plenty Doors 
Donations to the Western Native Voice COVID Relief Fund are used to immediately purchase and distribute supplies to households and community hubs, such as Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation pictured here. All contributions are tax deductible. 
Donate now to bring urgent COVID-19 relief to Montana’s Tribal Nations.
Packing food for local communities at Plenty Doors
As our nation grapples with the roots of systemic racism and injustice, We Are Montana is honored to partner with Native leaders in our state to bring critical leadership, aid and life-saving relief to their communities. Thank you for joining us. 

Sincerely Yours,


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