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Dear John,

For the past 15 years, 50CAN has built its work on the belief that the first step in any change effort is listening. From our early days to today’s legislative advocacy, the ideas driving our work have always come from the hopes and dreams of families.

Last fall, we released a 50-state, 20,000-parent survey that put a spotlight on how parents were navigating the new reality of a changed educational landscape. In this latest survey, conducted in partnership with the polling and analytics firm Cygnal, we wanted to put a spotlight in particular on how voters in a key swing state are thinking about public education and the competing ideas for improvement.

We chose Virginia both because it is a true “purple” state–with both Democrats and Republicans sharing government–and also because it is a state that proved to be a bellwether in its last gubernatorial election.

See how Virginia voters feel about education

Among the findings: Virginia voters support Governor Youngkin’s proposed Virginia Opportunity Scholarship by a two-to-one margin, and for Black and Hispanic voters, the support rises to a three-to-one margin.

We hope you’ll dive in and share with the people in your network.


Marc Porter Magee
CEO & Founder of 50CAN
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