Last week, MCPP hosted Rev. Joshua Robertson of Black Pastors United for Education to help make the case for School Choice.
Pastor Robertson’s talk was truly inspirational, and you can listen to what he said by clicking on the video below.
Following his inspirational message, the Mississippi House passed a law that would allow public to public school choice in our state, HB 1435.
At the same time, President Trump also signalled his support for School Choice.
Trump supports School Choice in Mississippi
Unfortunately, Mississippi lawmaker, Senator Chad McMahan, preferred to side with Joe Biden in opposing School Choice.
Speaking on a local radio station, Chad McMahan lashed out at President Trump’s School Choice agenda.
Senator Chad McMahan attacks Trump’s School Choice policy
Over the coming weeks, powerful vested interests will be doing everything they can to block School Choice. They do not want parent power, and they will stop at nothing to defend big bureaucracy’s million dollar budgets.
MCPP supports conservatives in the fight against bureaucracy. We will highlight lawmakers, like Senator McMahan, when they side with the bureaucrats against the taxpayer.
For years, lawmakers have been able to say one thing at election time and do another in the Capitol. Not any longer.
Mississippi voters overwhelmingly want more School Choice. It is time to expose the coalition of the status quo.