Hello Friend,
This President’s Day, Monday February 17, Refuse
Fascism calls on every person and group who refuses to be complicit in a
fascist America to take to the streets wherever you are.
Start your own protest (no experience necessary), or join diverse protests already
called, but come together, uniting all who can be united to spread resistance throughout cities and towns, raising the slogan and declaring to the world:
“NO! In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!”
Read full call to protest
Austin State Capitol 12:00 pm >> RSVP
Boston State House 12:00 pm >> RSVP
Chicago Federal Plaza 1:00 pm >> RSVP
Cleveland Carnegie Ave & E. 55th Street >> RSVP
Detroit Joe Louis Fist Woodward Avenue >> RSVP
Eureka Humboldt County Courthouse >> RSVP
Honolulu State Capitol 12:00 pm >> RSVP
Los Angeles City Hall steps 1:00 pm >> RSVP
New York City Washington Square Park >> RSVP
Oakland Fruitvale Plaza 11:00 am >> RSVP
Seattle Westlake Park 4th & Pine 12:00 pm >> RSVP
What we face is FASCISM consolidating its rule in the most powerful
country in the world. It echoes the Confederacy, Jim Crow, and Nazi
Germany, but there is no historical precedent for fascism dominating the
world with the climate at a tipping point and nuclear-armed powers at
each other’s throats. The Trump Regime threatens the very future of
humanity and life on the planet. It must be STOPPED!
>> HOW to DEFEAT FASCISM presentation by Sunsara Taylor
>> HOW to ORGANIZE a PROTEST presentation by Coco Das
>> DONATE for protest production expenses
>> posters & flyers here
Bring your signs, your heart, your courage and righteous fury. We must act now, continuing to grow in numbers, not for ourselves but for all of humanity.
Refuse Fascism national team
917 407 1286
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Make a donation online
Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402