I write to you in sorrow and outrage as in cities across the nation, protest is met with violent, militarized tactics.
Young people are leaders of the movement to end police violence and always have been. They know that to prevent more deaths like those of George Lloyd and countless others, we need profound change within the law enforcement and legal system. And that at this moment, we need accountability for the four officers who killed George Lloyd. And so, they demand that change and that accountability: and are met with brutality.
In just a few days we have witnessed countless acts of violence in the course of police and military response to protests.
We have seen peaceful protestors, journalists, and bystanders assaulted by law enforcement armed to the teeth and with seemingly no regard for the safety of those they are supposed to protect.
We’ve seen our youth activists gassed, stomped on, and physically assaulted.
It cannot go on.
Advocates for Youth calls on mayors and governors around the country to de-escalate and refrain from using police violence to put down those calling for an end to police violence. We call on the President to stop treating human beings like targets. We call on police officers themselves to step away from these protests and stop causing harm.
Our cities would be better served by listening to youth protesters and acknowledging and responding to the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Youth activists are helping in every way that they can, whether it is on the front lines, providing support to protesters, or contributing from home as the pandemic continues to take lives. As always, I am honored to know them and inspired by their leadership even as my heart breaks for the abuses we’re seeing them experience. At Advocates for Youth, we’re participating in efforts to support protesters and end violence in every way that we can. Here are some ways you can help:
We all need to support youth leaders as we grapple with this national tragedy and our government’s sickening response. I hope you will join me in speaking out against police violence, the militarization of the police force, and attacks on protesters.
From myself and the staff of Advocates for Youth, if you are a part of this movement, know that you have our gratitude and our solidarity. Thank you for working to create a world where all young people are safe, valued and supported.
Debra Hauser
President & CEO
Advocates for Youth